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Help grow more exporters!

Aotearoa New Zealand’s fintech sector continues to grow at an exponential rate with 84% of the revenue generated coming from outside of New Zealand. Kiwi fintech firms now generate $2.8 billion in export revenues and show no sign of slowing down with projected annual revenues of $7.7 billion by 2028 (TIN 2024).

FinTechNZ is dedicated to empowering fintech companies to develop exceptional solutions for Aotearoa New Zealand while prioritising their export capabilities. Previous research also shows 80 percent of our fintechs aspire to scale internationally. To support this ambition and momentum, we’re once again collaborating with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) to seek your insights on the challenges encountered when entering new markets.

This short 10-question survey will generate community-led data insights, including key export issues and identify barriers to entry.

The results will help inform export-focused fintech companies and NZTE’s work supporting firms to become export-ready and grow internationally. It will also help shape FinTechNZ’s priorities as an organisation.

Your experiences and insights are highly valued so please share your views before Thursday 30 May.

Ngā mihi
Jason Roberts
Executive Director, FinTechNZ

NZTech We connect, promote and advance the New Zealand Technology ecosystem to help the tech sector and the economy grow.