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FinTechNZ Executive Council Elections 2024

The annual meeting of the New Zealand Financial Innovation and Technology Association (FinTechNZ) is coming soon meaning election season is now upon us! This is your opportunity to help shape the future of FintechNZ.

FinTechNZ was established to contribute to the prosperity of New Zealand through technology and innovation. FinTechNZ brings together a national community of  FinTech’s banks, wealth managers and other financial services, along with technology innovators, investors, policy makers, government regulators and more; helping to promote and connect our ecosystem and community to the world.

FinTechNZ is a member of the New Zealand Tech Alliance, a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand, working together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

To continue building on our success it is critical to have the support of a purposeful Executive Council. We are now seeking nominations for our Executive Council and encourage you to consider the role or nominate someone who can make an impact. In line with our Board Diversity Policy, we have actively identified skills and experience needed to help us accelerate our strategies and ensure diverse thinking.

Executive Council Nominations

There is now an opportunity to put yourself forward or nominate someone else for a role on the FinTechNZ Executive Council. This year we have vacancies for the following positions:

  • Major Corporates (two positions)
  • Corporate members other than Major Corporates (two positions)
  • SMEs and Start-ups (two position)

While the candidate must be from a FinTechNZ member organisation, they do not need to be from the same membership tier that they wish to represent on the Executive Council, provided that they are nominated by at least one Member of that tier.

All nominations must be entered into the online form by 5pm, Wednesday , 2nd October 2024.

FinTechNZ Executive Council roles and responsibilities include:

  • Directing and supervise the business and affairs of FinTechNZ.
  • Attending monthly Executive Council meetings, usually two hours in duration (video conferencing available).
  • Representing FinTechNZ at industry events and as part of any delegations to government and other key stakeholders.
  • Assisting with managing and securing members of FinTechNZ.
  • Participating in FinTechNZ working groups and projects.
  • Where agreed by the Executive Council, acting as a spokesperson for FinTechNZ on particular issues relating to working groups or projects.
  • Being a vocal advocate of FinTechNZ.

Online Voting
Voting will take place online, before the meeting. The results will be announced at the Annual Meeting. Please see the Charter for an outline of the Executive Council Membership and election process. Each organisation has one vote, allocated to the primary contact of the member organisation.

Notices and Remits

If you wish to propose any notices or motions to be considered at the Annual Meeting, please email us by 5pm, Wednesday 16 October 2024.

Key dates:

  • Now: Call for Nominations for Executive Council representatives issued to members
  • 2 October: Deadline for nominations to be received
  • 9 October: List of nominees to be issued to FinTechNZ Members voting representatives and electronic voting commences
  • 16 October: Any proposed notices, motions or remits to be advised to FinTechNZ
  • 23 October: Electronic voting closes
  • 6 November: Annual Meeting, results of online voting announced
FinTechNZ Disruptive technologies are revolutionising traditional financial services, creating opportunities for start up entrepreneurs and corporate innovators. FinTechNZ helps connect, promote and advance the trends shaping the FinTech ecosystem.