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Building Bridges in the Digital Economy: DEPA FinTech SME Dialogue
The FinTech sector is a major global success story, projected to be worth nearly US$670 billion by 2030. However, small firms still face challenges bringing new ideas to market and connecting across the Asia-Pacific region.
Join us to hear how thought-leaders from around the region see the current FinTech landscape and the future of this dynamic sector. Building on the innovative Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) signed in 2020, this virtual dialogue will connect FinTech communities and policymakers in New Zealand, Singapore, and Chile to explore current challenges and opportunities, including ways the DEPA can make doing FinTech business easier.
Featured speakers include:
- Mr Jason Roberts, CEO of FinTechNZ
- Mr Ángel Sierra, Executive Director of FinteChile
- Mr Reuben Lim, Chief Operating Officer, Singapore FinTech Association
- Ms Carmen Vicelich, Global CEO and Founder, Valocity Global
- Mr Jason Tay, Regional Director Of Business Development, M-DAQ Global
- and other names to be confirmed.
- New Zealand: Friday 8 April, 12-2pm
- Singapore: Friday 8 April, 8-10am
- Chile: Thursday 7 April 8-10pm
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