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Insurance Council Conference 2017
Registration is now open for the Insurance Council’s 2017 conference which will take place in Auckland on Wednesday 8th November. This year the conference explores major forces and influences shaping our world and industry.
Keynote Speaker Alastair Newton, an international advisor and expert on international geo-political issues and their impact on financial markets will bring an insightful overview of the US-China dynamic for the Asia Pacific and New Zealand under the Trump administration.
Tony Gallagher CEO Pacific Region for Guy Carpenter will talk about the uncertain and changing world of capital and the role it will play in changing the types of products available to manage risks.
That will establish a tone of volatility and unpredictability, themes that will play out in an in-depth two-hour Insurtech session of presentations and a panel. This will include presentations from KPMG’s Steve Graham, an American with extensive experience of start-ups in other industries providing strategic insights, Andrew Stead from IAG’s Firemark Lab with extensive local start-up experience, and an overview of international developments from Ralph Ronnenberg, managing director of Australia and New Zealand MunichRe, who has a global approach to investing, partnering and keeping pace with change in the Insurtech space across the insurance value chain. The session will be convened by the head of FinTech New Zealand, Mitchell Pham.
The afternoon shifts the focus on how to be resilient in the face of volatility and uncertainty. Well known celebrity and psychologist Nigel Latta will give insights into consumer attitudes and behaviour. Elizabeth Longworth, a Kiwi who has spent many years offshore, and has held a number of senior leadership roles at the UN including two years as the Director of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, returns to talk about the international and local state of resilience, and Dr Erica Seville, author of Resilient Organisations, talks about what insurance companies can do to be more resilient. They will be joined by Wellington City’s Chief Resilience officer, Mike Mendonca, who has led the development of his city’s strategy as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities initiative in another panel session.
As usual, the conference will end with a panel of industry leaders – IAG’s Craig Olsen, QBE’s Bill Donovan, FMG’s Chris Black and MunichRe’s Ralph Ronnenberg. These Chief Executives will reflect on what they took from the day and what it means for their organisations and the insurance sector.