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July 2020
New Found Market Missions – What are the opportunities for fintech scaling to the UK in the covid era?
A deep dive of the UK fintech market by leading industry figures. What are the opportunities for fintechs looking to scale to the UK?
Find out more »September 2020
New Found Market Missions – How to Scale your FinTech to the UK Successfully
If you’re serious about scaling to the FinTech capital of the world, you need to understand the UK market and the connections you’ll need to make that expansion succeed.
Find out more »New Found Market Missions – Showcasing the next wave of FinTech innovation
If you are interested in seeing the next wave of FinTech innovation about to hit the UK then join us for an industry-wide pitch day, where open innovation agency CO:CUBED and Newfound will bring together the cohort of FinTech Market Mission attendees together to present their proposition to the market.
Find out more »