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Techweek events and more get connected and join us

What a crazy time it’s been, with so many face to face conferences being cancelled and events going to zoom and digital channels. That being said we have Techweek2020 next week which is virtual this year, and I am excited that we are running a number of Fintech events covering a multitude of topics, some of the most relevant are listed below, be sure to register if you haven’t already.

Overseas delegations are on hold, however many conferences are going virtual, with that in mind both the Hong Kong FinTech and Singapore FinTech festivals are both going ahead online. We took a number of companies to both Hong Kong and Singapore last year so if you want to be involved in pitch sessions, road shows or potential speaking engagements then please get in touch as the first discussion for Hong Kong is Friday the 30th of July. The Hong Kong Global Fast Track program has also launched, you can apply for an opportunity to work with Corporate Champions in Fintech in Hong Kong and Asia. 

COVID has brought the conversation forward around remote and flexible working to help create greater productivity, job creation and a drive towards economic growth and I am having lots of conversations with companies about what the journey looks like to introduce this into their businesses.

We are working with both local and international partners because we still want to launch products into new markets even in lockdown and continue to have a focus on what is being discussed in the Free Trade Agreement between the UK and New Zealand, do you have a view? Then please send me your thoughts and what needs changing.

It’s going to be a busy Techweek next week so plan ahead, sign up as numbers might be limited for some sessions, and I look forward to seeing you.

Enjoy Techweek2020!

James Brown
General Manager

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