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FinTechNZ – Securing our sector interests

Kia ora,

Each month I find it hard to compress the scale of activity across our broad-brush FinTech community into a short and compact newsletter. So this month I’m going to point out a few highlights that are important generally and focus on upcoming events where you can find the best fit for you or your team.

However, before we get into events, on Monday we saw an excellent example of a community in action, with 80 people joining together for a FinTechNZ focused, virtual town hall collaborative submission response to MBIE’s draft Customer Product Data Bill (ex CDR). This approach reflects FinTechNZ’s desire to make it easier, more inclusive and accessible for all. Obviously this is very important proposed legislation now being accelerated through to the parliamentary process. We will keep you updated on this important topic. If you want to make a direct submission, the close off date is Monday 24 July. Read more here. For additional information and insight on the bill, Andrew Dentice’s white paper, provides some good background and oversight.

Privacy and Security
Privacy, security and trust continue to grab news headlines with recent increases in scams and financial losses reported by CERT.

Cybersecurity is especially vital for our sector to protect financial assets, build trust with customers, comply with regulations, prevent fraud, ensure operational continuity and drive innovation. By investing in robust security measures, fintech companies can mitigate risks and secure their position in the rapidly evolving financial landscape. Join the conversation with our Tech Alliance colleagues at the Cyber Security Risk Conference on 11 September in Auckland. Plus, save the date for the 10th annual National Cyber Security Summit, 7 – 8 March, 2024 in Wellington.

However, before then, I’m delighted to be involved with the Digital Trust Hui Taumata on 1 August in Wellington. I will be facilitating a roundtable discussion on achieving digital trust, including the challenges of anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC), managing sensitive data, automating processes (not risk) and identity as an enabler of growth.

FinTech for FinTechs Mini Hui 
We are seeing increasing interest from early-stage fintechs for information focusing on the very specific needs of earlier-stage FinTech-oriented companies. In response, FinTechNZ, in partnership with great supporters BNZ, MinterEllisonRuddWatts, NZTE and AWS, has designed a mixed format Mini-Conference on the afternoon and evening of 10 August to focus on topics that matter. This format includes inspirational guest speakers and business leaders such as Craig Hudson (ex Xero, now NZTE), Georgia Grange (country manager Revolut), Mitchell Pham (all-round NZTech rockstar), Josh Daniel (Akahu) and Nick Allen (Indicator), plus a team of roundtable facilitators from the FinTechNZ Executive Council and sponsors team.

Specialty roundtable topics cover, for example:

  • Technology and platforms. Product design and ensuring optimal product and market fit 
  • Optimising your proposition and team for B2B and Enterprise level sales success
  • Traversing barriers; legal, procurement and ensuring successful partnerships
  • Surviving and thriving in tough times – building resiliency and running lean
  • Investment strategies, including pitching for funding and raising capital during a recession
  • Regulatory and legal considerations
  • Export, trade and scaled growth

In the evening AWS is hosting an off-site fintech dinner experience including speed matching with other invited guests from their Tier 1 finance sector networks. This is definitely an important opportunity for fintechs and is strictly limited to 40 business leaders to ensure high-quality conversations. Time is running out to claim your space – learn more and register now.

Ngā mihi

Jason Roberts

Executive Director

Read full news here: FinTechNZ – Securing our sector interests

FinTechNZ Disruptive technologies are revolutionising traditional financial services, creating opportunities for start up entrepreneurs and corporate innovators. FinTechNZ helps connect, promote and advance the trends shaping the FinTech ecosystem.