FinTechNZ News

Early engagement required for FinTech success

The latest FinTechNZ Connect event series in Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland raised important issues, a constant theme being the need to engage early with authorities and business.
FinTechNZ News

NZTech expansion sign of rampant tech sector growth

The substantial growth of the country’s umbrella tech organisation NZTech is indicative of the rapid expansion of the nation’s fastest growing industry, says its chief executive Graeme Muller.
FinTechNZ News

Tech is the real winner!

Last week, I was fortunate to be named a finalist in the AUT Business School Excellence in Business Support Awards. In my category, I feel honoured to stand alongside two well known leaders who have made amazing contributions to New Zealand businesses, and am excited to be joining other finalists across the eleven categories at … Continue reading "Tech is the real winner!"
FinTechNZ News

Tech high flyer finalist in business award

A high-flying Kiwi tech businessman, who has possibly done more to improve trade ties with Vietnam than any other New Zealander, has been named a finalist in the Auckland University of Technology Business School Excellence awards.
FinTechNZ News

FinTechNZ active in shaping NZ ecosystem

This week, FinTechNZ were party to the release of the Tech Manifesto 2017, the outcome of which, if acted upon by government and industry, will significantly advance the ecosystem for and accelerate adoption of all tech innovation.
FinTechNZ News

Celebrating FinTech success

Congratulations to Pushpay who won both the Innovative Company and Company of the Year titles and FinTechNZ member LatiPay who won the Best Hi-Tech Start Up Company of the Year title at the recent NZ Hi-Tech Awards at the conclusion of Techweek’17. “LatiPay’s incredible win clearly illustrates how kiwi innovators can truly make a difference … Continue reading "Celebrating FinTech success"
FinTechNZ News

UK visit opens doors to global fintech trade

The new national umbrella organisation FinTechNZ has opened the doors for hundreds of Kiwi businesses seeking to trade with United Kingdom companies.
FinTechNZ News

Fintech about to accelerate New Zealand’s economic growth and international connections

The setup of the national fintech organisation will accelerate New Zealand’s economic growth, tech leader and software services company director Mitchell Pham says. New Zealanders should care about fintech as an exciting new sector because electronic interactions underpin all commerce across the national economy, Pham says.
FinTechNZ News

FinTechNZ Launch – Update 3

DAY 3:  AUCKLAND Auckland Audience: Triple-Wow! A fantastic  turn-out in Auckland on Thursday night. The audience was indeed very diverse, and did include representatives from insurance and InsurTech, as well as wealth management and other types of financial services, and even the education sector who are interested in the skills required for growing FinTech.