Industry News

RegTech Roundup – July

July fun fact, in July 1981 IBM’s first desktop computer, the System/23 Deskmaster was introduced, how many of you can remember the early days of tech? Nowadays we have computers that evolve their own learning and can mimic humans!
Industry News

FinTechNZ Viewpoint

In this FinTechNZ Viewpoint, James Brown shares his insights from the Commerce Commission’s Personal Banking Services Market Study Update.
Industry News

Sustainable FinTech news

If you’ve been making waves in fintech ESG, sustainability or impact space, email Jason with ‘Sustainable FinTech news’ in the subject line and a link to your media release or blog, and we’ll include it in our newsletter.
Industry News

RegTech NZ – What caught our eye this month

May the fourth be with you this month, and if you're still teetering on automating your compliance activities our team has collated a barrage of convincing reasons to activate your RegTech strategy.
Industry News

Sustainable FinTech news

The new financial year has started with the ‘pedal to the metal’. We talk about a few of the activities below, but by no means does it cover everything that’s happened!
Industry News

RegTech NZ – What caught our eye this month

April already, a fool, a new moon and an eclipse! This smorgasbord of a month is bringing in all the good vibes encouraging for all you RegTech innovators, movers and shakers. Manifest that change. Carpe diem.