TIN 2024 NZ Fintech report

TIN’s New Zealand Fintech Report 2024 is out now, published as we progress on open banking’s implementation in Aotearoa.  Using data from the 2023 TIN survey, this report provides an update on the sector’s performance. For close to a decade, fintech has been the fastest-growing tech sector and has now eclipsed healthtech to become the largest … Continue reading "TIN 2024 NZ Fintech report"

World Payments Report 2020

The World Payments Report from Capgemini offers strategic insights into the critical issues and trends shaping the payments sector and is the leading source for data and insights on global and regional non-cash payments, and the key regulatory and industry initiatives (KRIIs). This 16th edition explores how banks could start leveraging recent industry initiatives for … Continue reading "World Payments Report 2020"

World Wealth Report 2020

Now in its 24th year, Capgemini’s World Wealth Report 2020 looks at the latest dynamics in high net worth individual (HNWI) population and wealth growth, as well as HNWIs’ trust and confidence in wealth firms, their satisfaction with investment advice and returns delivered, their comfort level with fees, and their take on personalized services. The … Continue reading "World Wealth Report 2020"

World Insurance Report 2020

From Millennials and Gen Xers to Boomers, more and more individuals are bypassing traditional methods and using digital channels for their day-to-day transactions, including insurance research and policy purchase. As they are accustomed to superior customer experience from BigTech firms and product manufacturers, they are also seeing them as an option for their insurance needs. … Continue reading "World Insurance Report 2020"